With the advancement of the information society, working people are increasingly forced to continue their education and training. This is especially true if you want to advance in your profession. This "compulsion" for permanent further training forces us to refer more and more to self-learning, as we are very limited in time by our profession and family. Self-learning is in most cases based on reading specialist literature.
This booklet describes in an easily practicable way the prerequisites, instruments and methods which make it possible to acquire knowledge by oneself with little expenditure of time but still with great effect, i.e. to learn efficiently and effectively.
- the necessary conditions to learn effectively
- the usage of efficient learning techniques
- how learning material (technical/specialist literature) can be structured
- how to make self-learning or "learning alone" more effective in the group and
- how to start implementation.
Learning can be compared to visiting a gym: you have to invest time and possibly money in order to achieve satisfactory success. If you only pay the monthly fees in the gym and don't invest time and effort, you won't notice any effect.
The time required to get to know better methods and instruments with this booklet, through which you will learn more effectively and efficiently, is very small.
„Aufstieg durch Ausbildung“ bereitet auf die schriftliche und praktische Ausbildereignungsprüfung nach Ausbilder-Eignungsverordnung und Berufsbildungsgesetz vor. Die einzelnen Kapitel sind so aufbereitet, dass sie durch die handlungsorientierten Aufgabenstellungen besonders zum Selbststudium für die Prüfungsvorbereitung geeignet sind.
Der Inhalt ist nach den vier Handlungsfeldern gegliedert, die im Rahmen der berufs- und arbeitspädagogischen Eignung beherrscht werden müssen und deren methodisch-didaktische Aufbereitung das konkrete Handeln in der Ausbildung in den Vordergrund stellt.
Berücksichtigt werden dabei die vielfältigen Aufgabenfelder des Ausbilders als Lernprozessbegleiter, Moderator und Erzieher, der auch auf Lernschwierigkeiten eingehen kann.
Das Buch ist nicht nur als Vorbereitung für die Ausbildereignungsprüfung sondern auch für betriebliche Ausbilder, die ihre Kenntnisse auf den neuesten Stand bringen wollen.
This book documents 13 Eritrean educational biographies of leading members of the Ministry of Education in Eritrea. They actively have participated in freeing the country located in the eastern part of the African continent and have simultaneously built up the educational system under most difficult circumstances. A consistently notable contingency was found in all biographic self-reflections, which had decisively influenced the authors and actors curriculums: The three decenniums long fight for Eritrea's independence, the formation of an educational system, and simultaneously the active design of their own education biography. A biography is always the result of individual perception and acts of interpretation. In that respect, it is the told story of life. The concept of biography places the individuality and subjectivity of the addressee's pedagogic actions into the focus point. These educational biographies are exemplarily for Eritrea's "Nation Building Process".
In this book Rolf Arnold combines three trends of long years of research activity: innovative teaching methods based on the principles of self-determination and self-control of the learner, the concept of "pedagogic leadership" and finally the approach of "emotional competence". These three pillars form the fundamental basis for "Assisted Learning" as a future-oriented concept of adult education that places the learner at the centre point.